
Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes the information DebtHelperUsa.com (“DebtHelperUsa.com,” “we,” or “us”) collects from or about you through this website (“Site”), It also describes how we may use, share, and handle the information we collect.

Terms and Conditions and Your Consent

We kindly ask you to carefully review this Policy, the Terms and Conditions, and the Privacy Notice of this Site prior to using it. By accessing and using this Site, you agree to the collection, processing, use, and disclosure of your information as described in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, you are not authorized to access or use this Site. Please note that this Policy is part of our Terms and Conditions that govern your use of this Site. You can find the link to these Terms and Conditions at the bottom of each page of this Site.

Please be aware that DebtHelperUsa.com may modify this Policy at any time and without prior notice. Such modifications will take effect immediately after posting them on this Site. By continuing to use this Site, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by any such modifications. We suggest that you review this Policy periodically. To facilitate this, we will update the “Effective Date” at the top of this page every time we make changes to this Policy. We recommend that you check the Effective Date to verify if this Policy has been revised since your last visit.

What Information We Collect

DebtHelperUsa.com, may collect personal information when you use our Services, interact with us through the Site, or visit our Site. Personal information is data that can identify you as an individual, either on its own or in combination with other information. This may include your name, contact details, date of birth, and debt-related information. Sometimes, you may choose to provide us with personal information directly, or have the option to do so. For instance, you may submit personal information through a form on our Site and opt-in to receive communications from us or our business affiliates and non-affiliates, based on the information provided in the form. Note that in order to submit a form, you are required to consent to receive communications. However, not all data will be collected or used, and the collection and use of data will be subject to applicable laws and regulations. To learn more about how we collect, use, and protect your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Notice. Please note that some fields in our forms may be required, while others may be necessary for us or our business affiliates and non-affiliates to provide certain services or assistance. Additionally, we may collect information about your use of our site through the use of cookies or other similar technologies.

If you access our Site through a mobile or tablet device, we may automatically collect certain information related to your device. This information may include the type of device you use, the unique ID of your device, your device’s IP address, the operating system of your device, the type of mobile or tablet internet browsers you use, and information about the way you use our mobile or tablet application.

It’s important to understand that an IP address is a unique identifier assigned to your computer when you access the internet. It may remain the same or change every time you connect to the internet. While an IP address does not contain your personal information such as your name or email address, it can be used to identify you in some cases. If we suspect any inappropriate or criminal activity or a threat to our site or its users, we may need to share our server logs, which may contain users’ IP addresses, with the relevant investigative authorities. This information can help to identify and trace individuals involved.

We use cookies and other technologies to enhance your experience on our Site. When you visit our Site, a small file called a “cookie” is placed on your device. This cookie may be a “session cookie,” which expires immediately when you close your browser, or a “persistent cookie,” which stores information on your hard drive so that when you return to our Site later, the cookie information is still available. Additionally, our webpages and emails may contain “web beacons,” which are small electronic files that allow us to gather usage statistics. We use cookies and other technologies to collect information so that we can improve and support functions on our Site and serve you better.

Details Regarding Third-Party Cookies and Internet-Based Advertising

To help us understand how visitors engage with our Site, we may use cookies that are delivered to your computer, mobile, or tablet device. Additionally, third-party cookies may also be delivered to you for a variety of reasons. For example, we use Google Analytics, a web analytics tool that provides us with information about website traffic. If you would like to learn more about Google Analytics or opt-out of having your information collected, you can click here to download an Opt-out Browser Add-on. Other third-party cookies may be used to track your online behaviors and deliver targeted advertisements on our Site or other websites. It is important to note that if you do not configure your browser settings to reject cookies or actively opt-out, you will accept cookies provided by our Site.

How We Use Your Information

Typically, the personal information that we collect through this Site is used for the following purposes:
  • to provide you with requested information and services;
  • to contact you as needed for your use of the Site;
  • to connect you with relevant affiliates and non-affiliates; and
  • to enhance our security and prevent fraud.

Please see below for information about the choices you have about the ways we use your personal information.

Third-party content or applications, such as ads, on the Site may use cookies and other tracking technologies, and are provided by third-party advertisers, networks, servers, content and application providers.

The tracking technologies used by third parties are beyond our control. Please contact the relevant provider directly if you have any inquiries regarding targeted content or advertisements.

When you use certain features of our site, you may need to agree to special terms that govern your use of those features. These agreements, also known as click-through agreements, may require you to explicitly consent to the terms by checking a box or clicking a button labeled “I agree.” If the terms of these agreements differ from our policy, the click-through agreement will apply only to the specified matters and will supplement or amend our policy.

Your Preferences

We understand and respect your right to choose how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information. Whenever possible, we will request that you indicate your preferences at the time of data collection.

You have the right to request that we delete your personal information associated with this Site. However, please be aware that doing so may result in your inability to access and use certain features of the Site. To update, correct, or request the deletion of your personal information, please contact us via email at the address provided below.

If you wish to stop receiving marketing emails from us, you can opt out at any time by either sending an email to the address provided below or using the unsubscribe feature included in our marketing emails.

As stated in this Policy, we may disclose your personal information to non-affiliated third parties and service providers who may market and advertise their products and services to you directly. For further details on our disclosure practices, including to non-affiliated third parties, please refer to our Privacy Notice.

We cannot guarantee that we will honor Do Not Track (“DNT”) signals due to the evolving state of technology and uncertainty within the industry regarding their meaning.

Securing Your Data

We take appropriate administrative, physical, and technical measures to maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal information. However, please note that no website can provide 100% security, and we cannot ensure or warrant the complete security of any personal information you provide to us. We cannot guarantee that your personal information will not be disclosed, misused, or lost due to unforeseen circumstances or unauthorized access.

Ensuring Your Privacy : Our Approach to Sharing Your Information

Third-Party Service Providers. We may share your personal information collected through our Site with third-party service providers who work for or on our behalf. These third parties may include vendors who help us with the design, operation, and/or hosting of our Site, as well as those who assist us with our promotional activities. In order to carry out their duties, these third parties may require access to information about you.

We may share personal information collected through our Site with third-party affiliates and non-affiliates who offer services that complement our Services and that may be useful to you based on the information you provide to us. For instance, if you seek assistance related to bankruptcy, we may share your personal information with affiliates and non-affiliates that provide bankruptcy services to help you with the services you request from our Site.

We may consider selling, purchasing, merging, or reorganizing one or more of our businesses for strategic or other purposes. During negotiations with a third party, we may need to disclose your personal information. To safeguard the information we disclose, we will take reasonable precautions such as requiring the prospective purchaser to sign a non-disclosure agreement that limits the use and protects the confidentiality of your personal information.

In the event of an acquisition or merger involving us, we may transfer the personal information you provide on or through our Site to the acquiring or merging organization.

We are committed to complying with the law and protecting our rights and the rights of our users and others. In certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal information to comply with a court order, subpoena or other legal process, or to prevent and investigate potential fraud or identity theft. We may also disclose your personal information to safeguard the security of our Site, enforce our Terms and Conditions or other agreements, or protect our own rights or property as well as the rights, property or safety of our users or others.

Social Media Integration. Our Site may have features that allow you to share information automatically to third-party social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest. By using these features, your posts can be viewed by anyone who has access to your profile on these platforms. You should be aware that your actions in this regard are not private. If you choose to link your Site profile with a third-party social media account, we may share your profile information with that platform. Additionally, we may use third-party social media platforms to display interest-based ads. To do so, we may convert your email address into a unique value that our affiliates and non-affiliates can use to match with a user on their platform. While we do not disclose any personal information to these platform vendors, they may gain insights about individuals who interact with the ads we serve.

Aggregated or De-Identified Information. We analyze the information we collect through our Site to create an aggregated and comprehensive view of usage patterns. We may share this aggregate information with third parties to gain a better understanding of our user base. Additionally, we may share de-identified information about how specific individuals use our Site (“Individualized Data”). Although Individualized Data reflects the usage patterns of a particular Site user, it does not directly identify them. We may provide basic demographic information, such as gender and age, along with Individualized Data. Third parties typically use this information for analytical purposes and to market their own products and services.

Disclosure in accordance with Privacy Notice. We retain the right to disclose your personal information in accordance with any privacy notice posted on a page of this Site where you provide such information. By providing your personal information on that page, you are consenting to the disclosure of your personal information as specified in that privacy notice.

We retain the right to disclose your personal information in accordance with any click-through agreement you have accepted.

Sharing Personal Information as a Financial Organization. As a financial organization, we may need to share your personal information with third parties in order to provide you with the programs and services you have requested. Our Privacy Notice provides more information on how we share and use your personal information in this context. We may provide you with the option to opt-out of certain types of sharing as required by law. To exercise this option, you may contact us using the information provided in this Policy or directly contact the third party involved.

We may keep your personal information for various purposes, including maintaining and operating this Site, providing you with requested services, fulfilling legal and regulatory obligations, settling disputes or litigation, enforcing this Policy, and preventing fraudulent activities. If required by law enforcement, we may also keep your personal information for a certain period.

Our Privacy Notice outlines the circumstances under which we may disclose your information. Additionally, any other agreements you have with us may also include provisions regarding the disclosure of your information. Therefore, we reserve the right to disclose your information in accordance with our Privacy Notice and any other agreements you have entered into with us.

Children’s Online Privacy

This Site is intended for use only by individuals who are eighteen (18) years of age or older, unless permission is granted by a parent or legal guardian. If you are a parent or legal guardian and believe that your child has provided personal information through this Site without your permission, please contact us using the information provided below.

Links to External Websites

DebtHelperUsa.com is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or opinions expressed on third-party websites linked to from our Site. We do not control, operate, investigate, monitor, or check these sites for accuracy or completeness. Therefore, DebtHelperUsa.com hereby disclaims any and all liability for the privacy practices and any information, materials, products, or services posted or offered at any of the third-party sites. We do not endorse or recommend any products or services offered or information contained at such sites, nor are we liable for any failure of products and services offered or advertised at those sites. Please be aware that any information you provide to third parties on or through their websites is subject to their privacy and data collection policies, and is not covered by this Policy. We strongly advise you to review the privacy policy posted on any site you visit before using the site or providing any personal information. Please note that this Privacy Policy does not govern your use of those sites, and we encourage you to review the privacy policies specifically belonging to such sites.

Privacy Rights For California Residents

California residents who have a business relationship with us can request information about their personal information that we shared with other businesses for their direct marketing purposes, free of charge and once per year. The information will include a list of the categories of personal information shared with third parties and the names and addresses of those third parties. To request this information, please contact us using the contact information below and indicate that you are making a “California Shine the Light Privacy Request.”

If you are a California resident and under 18 years old, you can request the removal of content or information that you have posted to our website by contacting us at the contact information below.


If you are accessing this Site from a location outside the United States, it is your responsibility to comply with any applicable laws in your jurisdiction. The data protection laws of your country of residence may impose more stringent requirements than those of the United States. Your personal information may be disclosed in accordance with the laws of the United States or other countries where the information is transferred, and may be accessible to law enforcement and national security agencies in those jurisdictions. By using this Site, you consent to the collection, processing, use, and transfer of your personal information to and from the United States or any other country, subject to the terms of this Policy.

Contact Us

To seek further information about this Policy or to exercise your rights as described herein, you may contact us via email at: [email protected].

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